It is a dewormer used to control and treat gastrointestinal worms in equines.
Used to control and treat the main parasite helminths in equines such as: Strongylus vulgaris, S.equinus, S. Edentatus, Parascaris equorum, Oxyrius equi. This product has also a significant ovicidal power.
Each 100 g contains:
Mebendazole……………………………………10,0 g
Vehicle……………………………………………100,0 g
After checking the exact animal weight, observe the scale on the syringe, turn the ring to adjust it in the piston according to the animal’s weight. Introduce the end of the syringe in the animal’s mouth and press the piston until the ring. Change in the dosage at the veterinarian’s discretion.
Body Weight Product
Up to 150 kg………………….. 7,5 g
Up to 300 kg………………… 15,0 g
Up to 450 kg………………… 22,5 g
Up to 600 kg………………… 30,0 g
30 g plastic syringes.
Equines: Slaughter – this product should not be applied on horses intended for slaughter.
For more information about the grace period, see the product label.